/*************************************************** ==================== JS INDEX ====================== **************************************************** 01. PreLoader Js 02. Sticky Header Js 03.Header Hight Js 04. Header Class Add Js 05. One Page Scroll Js 06. Common Js 07. Humburger Js 08. Menu Style Js 08. filter 09. Search Js 10. Offcanvas Js 11. Body Overlay Js 12. Nice Select Js 14. Back to Top Js 15. Masonry Js 16. Wow Js 17. Counter Js ****************************************************/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var windowOn = $(window); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 01. PreLoader Js windowOn.on('load', function () { $("#loading").fadeOut(500); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 02. Sticky Header Js windowOn.on('scroll', function () { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll < 200) { $("#header-sticky").removeClass("tp-header-sticky"); } else { $("#header-sticky").addClass("tp-header-sticky"); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 03.Header Hight Js if ($('.tp-header-height').length > 0) { var headerHeight = document.querySelector(".tp-header-height"); var setHeaderHeight = headerHeight.offsetHeight; $(".tp-header-height").each(function () { $(this).css({ 'height': setHeaderHeight + 'px' }); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 04. Header Class Add Js $('.tp-main-menu ul li a').each(function () { $(this).wrapInner(""); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 05. One Page Scroll Js function scrollNav() { $('.tp-onepage-menu li a').click(function () { $(".tp-onepage-menu li a.active").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: $($(this).attr('href')).offset().top - 96 }, 300); return false; }); } scrollNav(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 06. Common Js $("[data-background").each(function () { $(this).css("background-image", "url( " + $(this).attr("data-background") + " )"); }); $("[data-width]").each(function () { $(this).css("width", $(this).attr("data-width")); }); $("[data-bg-color]").each(function () { $(this).css("background-color", $(this).attr("data-bg-color")); }); $("[data-text-color]").each(function () { $(this).css("color", $(this).attr("data-text-color")); }); $(".has-img").each(function () { var imgSrc = $(this).attr("data-menu-img"); var img = `img`; $(this).append(img); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 07. Humburger Js $('.tp-hamburger-toggle').on('click', function () { $('.tp-header-side-menu').slideToggle('tp-header-side-menu'); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 08. Menu Style Js if ($('.tp-main-menu-content').length && $('.tp-main-menu-mobile').length) { let navContent = document.querySelector(".tp-main-menu-content").outerHTML; let mobileNavContainer = document.querySelector(".tp-main-menu-mobile"); mobileNavContainer.innerHTML = navContent; let arrow = $(".tp-main-menu-mobile .has-dropdown > a"); arrow.each(function () { let self = $(this); let arrowBtn = document.createElement("BUTTON"); arrowBtn.classList.add("dropdown-toggle-btn"); arrowBtn.innerHTML = ""; self.append(function () { return arrowBtn; }); self.find("button").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let self = $(this); self.toggleClass("dropdown-opened"); self.parent().toggleClass("expanded"); self.parent().parent().addClass("dropdown-opened").siblings().removeClass("dropdown-opened"); self.parent().parent().children(".submenu").slideToggle(); }); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 09. Search Js $(".search-open-btn").on("click", function () { $(".search-area").addClass("search-opened"); $(".search-overlay").addClass("opened"); }); $(".search-close-btn").on("click", function () { $(".search-area").removeClass("search-opened"); $(".search-overlay").removeClass("opened"); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 10. Offcanvas Js $(".offcanvas-open-btn").on("click", function () { $(".offcanvas__area").addClass("offcanvas-opened"); $(".body-overlay").addClass("opened"); }); $(".offcanvas-close-btn ,.tp-main-menu-mobile .tp-onepage-menu li a > *:not(button)").on("click", function () { $(".offcanvas__area").removeClass("offcanvas-opened"); $(".body-overlay").removeClass("opened"); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 11. Body overlay Js $(".body-overlay").on("click", function () { $(".offcanvas__area").removeClass("offcanvas-opened"); $(".tp-search-area").removeClass("opened"); $(".cartmini__area").removeClass("cartmini-opened"); $(".body-overlay").removeClass("opened"); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 12. Nice Select Js $('select').niceSelect(); $('.tp-header-search-category select').niceSelect(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 13. Back To Top Js function back_to_top() { var btn = $('#back_to_top'); var btn_wrapper = $('.back-to-top-wrapper'); windowOn.scroll(function () { if (windowOn.scrollTop() > 300) { btn_wrapper.addClass('back-to-top-btn-show'); } else { btn_wrapper.removeClass('back-to-top-btn-show'); } }); btn.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, '300'); }); } back_to_top(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Jquery Appear raidal if (typeof ($.fn.knob) != 'undefined') { $('.knob').each(function () { var $this = $(this), knobVal = $this.attr('data-rel'); $this.knob({ 'draw': function () { $(this.i).val(this.cv + '%') } }); $this.appear(function () { $({ value: 0 }).animate({ value: knobVal }, { duration: 2000, easing: 'swing', step: function () { $this.val(Math.ceil(this.value)).trigger('change'); } }); }, { accX: 0, accY: -150 }); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hero Active if ($('.tp-hero-active').length > 0) { var slider = new Swiper('.tp-hero-active', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 0, loop: true, effect: 'fade', autoplay: { delay: 5000, }, // Navigation arrows navigation: { nextEl: ".hero-button-next-1", prevEl: ".hero-button-prev-1", }, pagination: { el: ".tp-hero-pagination", clickable: true }, }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Project Active var slider = new Swiper('.tp-project-active', { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 25, loop: true, breakpoints: { '1400': { slidesPerView: 4, }, '1200': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '992': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '768': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '576': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '0': { slidesPerView: 1, }, }, }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Service Active if ($('.tp-service-active').length > 0) { var slider = new Swiper('.tp-service-active', { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 30, loop: true, breakpoints: { '1700': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '1400': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '1200': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '767': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '576': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '0': { slidesPerView: 1, }, }, // Navigation arrows navigation: { nextEl: ".service-button-next-1", prevEl: ".service-button-prev-1", }, // Ajoutez cette option pour activer le défilement automatique autoplay: { delay: 4000, // Définissez la durée entre chaque diapositive en millisecondes disableOnInteraction: false, // Autorisez le défilement automatique même lorsque l'utilisateur interagit avec le Swiper }, }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Testimonial Active if ($('.tp-testimonial-active').length > 0) { var slider = new Swiper('.tp-testimonial-active', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 30, loop: true, autoplay: { delay: 5000, disableOnInteraction: false, }, breakpoints: { '1700': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '1400': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '1200': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '992': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '767': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '576': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '0': { slidesPerView: 1, }, }, // Navigation arrows navigation: { nextEl: ".testimonial-button-next-1", prevEl: ".testimonial-button-prev-1", }, }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Testimonial Active 2 if ($('.tp-testimonial-2-active').length > 0) { var slider = new Swiper('.tp-testimonial-2-active', { slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetween: 30, loop: true, breakpoints: { '1700': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '1400': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '1200': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '992': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '767': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '576': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '0': { slidesPerView: 1, }, }, // Navigation arrows navigation: { nextEl: ".testimonial-button-next-1", prevEl: ".testimonial-button-prev-1", }, }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Testimonial Active 3 if ($('.tp-testimonial-3-active').length > 0) { var slider = new Swiper('.tp-testimonial-3-active', { slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetween: 30, loop: true, breakpoints: { '1700': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '1400': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '1200': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '767': { slidesPerView: 2, }, '576': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '0': { slidesPerView: 1, }, }, }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Team Active if ($('.tp-team-3-active').length > 0) { var slider = new Swiper('.tp-team-3-active', { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 30, centeredSlides: true, loop: true, pagination: { el: '.slider_pagination', clickable: true, }, breakpoints: { '1700': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '1400': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '1200': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '767': { slidesPerView: 3, }, '576': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '0': { slidesPerView: 1, }, }, }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Blog Active if ($('.tp-blog-post-active').length > 0) { var slider = new Swiper('.tp-blog-post-active', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 30, loop: true, breakpoints: { '1700': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '1400': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '1200': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '767': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '576': { slidesPerView: 1, }, '0': { slidesPerView: 1, }, }, // Navigation arrows navigation: { nextEl: ".tp-blog-next-1", prevEl: ".tp-blog-prev-1", }, }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 15. Masonary Js $('.grid').imagesLoaded(function () { // init Isotope var $grid = $('.grid').isotope({ itemSelector: '.grid-item', percentPosition: true, masonry: { // use outer width of grid-sizer for columnWidth columnWidth: '.grid-item', } }); // filter items on button click $('.masonary-menu').on('click', 'button', function () { var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $grid.isotope({ filter: filterValue }); }); //for menu active class $('.masonary-menu button').on('click', function (event) { $(this).siblings('.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); event.preventDefault(); }); }); /* magnificPopup img view */ $('.popup-image').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true } }); $('.popup-image-footer').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true } }); /* magnificPopup video view */ $(".popup-video").magnificPopup({ type: "iframe", }); if ($('.scene').length > 0) { $('.scene').parallax({ scalarX: 5.0, scalarY: 5.0, }); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 16. Wow Js new WOW().init(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 17. Counter Js new PureCounter(); })(jQuery);